M2 Bradley IFV Build


Early work on the M2 Bradley IFV

Here is the next subject to fill out our selection of modern tracked armor models. This one is the M2 Bradley IFV which will likely become available in at least two different exterior paint schemes.

Throughout its service life the M2 Bradley IFV series has been updated to improve combat capabilities and survivability for both the vehicle and it’s occupants. According to Military-Today.com, there were three main improvement programs, the M2A1, M2A2 and M2A3, so this subject can be a challenge to model accurately, unless one pays very close attention to the details.

After several weeks of dedicated work on this one, I was compelled to abandon it for a time while focusing on much needed website and database changes to improve our company’s internet presence. Quite soon, I’ll be re-focusing on continuing work on this one, which should lead to other, even newer Bradley variants!